This SBI review tells you how I got the idea for this website, and how it has helped me to help others, and it has also become an extra income source as I near retirement.
SBI originally stood for Site Build It, but recently it has changed to Solo Build It, to reflect how it helps individuals to build their own website business online.
I discovered SBI! when my 19 year old son was researching what to do with his life. He'd tried university - 3 times - but had become frustrated with the slow processes and having to conform to other people's ways.
He was looking for a way of combining his passion, classical music, with an income - earning opportunity. He also enjoyed website design, and had already designed several small business websites by that time. When he showed me an SBI review, I knew it would be a perfect chance for him to do "his own thing" AND become independent.
Over the next 6 months, he studied the detailed guides at SBI! and gradually wrote and developed his first website - Favorite Classical Composers - which continues to support him financially to this day.
Watching him do this got me interested too. As a dentist, there are TWO basic ways I can help people; the first is by physically treating them, to fix their problems. The SECOND WAY is by educating my patients. There are so many questions people ask me! And I only have a certain amount of time to do things in this life - like everyone else!
How could I help more people by answering their questions? WITH A WEBSITE!
So I had an idea - to develop a website like my son. I read some SBI! reviews, and I liked what I saw.
I had been nervous that, as a complete NOVICE in website design and development, I would not be able to understand what to do. My son had the advantage of being computer literate - he could also write code.
But the SBI reviews explained that SBI! has a detailed guide, called the Action Guide which is broken down into 10 steps. I had a look, and saw that is was written in a way I could understand. It takes you from the very first ideas about building a website all the way through to having a fully functioning business!
Those SBI reviews reassured me that I did NOT need to be a computer whizz in order to build a website, and reach far more people than I could do in my dental office.
So, I signed up, and slowly but gradually worked through the steps in the SBI Action Guide. It was NOT a quick process, but it was very detailed and I felt very confident that each step had been correctly done. SBI! has so many modules and "helps" to make sure that website pages I wrote would be seen by the internet search engines, get indexed, and so be seen by people looking for dental health advice!
Over the last 6 years my site has grown to over 200 pages, and now ranks in the top websites in the world (top 0.5%). I achieved my initial goal of reaching out to as many people as possible to give them the dental information they were looking for.
BUT there has been an additional, welcome effect! By placing some advertising on the site (initially to cover my costs in running the site) I have found that the site is now earning a significant amount of money. This extra financial benefit is very welcome as I start looking at retirement in the near future.
Those SBI reviews that I read years before turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to me. I am so glad that people took the time to write SiteBuildIt Reviews - and I want to pass on the favor.
Unfortunately I have noticed some online reviews for similar "products" such as Wealthy Affiliates that are not as honest as those SBI! reviews I read back in 2010/2011.
In fact, I have found a number of them that actively say that SBI! is no good! When I first saw that I have to admit I wondered if my own success with SBI had been a fluke. Maybe I was an exception!
So I did some more research and I found that there was a study done, to rigorous scientific standards, which showed that you are 33 times more likely to have a successful website business with SBI! than with Wealthy Affiliates! So those bad reviews on Wealthy Affiliates are inaccurate and very misleading.
I am proof that a computer-illiterate 60-something can learn how to build a successful online business that helps millions of people find the information they need, and also generates a significant income for me. This SBI! review has been written with the intention of telling people my story.
This SBI review is FACT!